Thursday, February 2, 2023

That Sam, He's So Funny

Kathy bought a new wok.  It is smaller and has a handle on it.  It was all shiny metal and the instructions explain how to season it by coating the inside of the wok with an oil like canola oil, and then heating the wok on the stove until the oil smokes.  Then you let it cool down and do the same thing again.  When she was done, I thought I would take a photograph of the colors in the seasoned wok.  So I put it on the floor to photograph it, and in the middle of that, who sticks his head into the picture but Sammy the cat!  He sniffed around for a while, and I cannot imagine why.  A cat who likes burned canola oil?  One more mystery in the life of cats!



Ron said...


Anonymous said...

Cats are the most curious creatures. So funny! Trace

Anonymous said...

Cats are always curious. When you put that bowl on the floor, Sam could not help himself. He had to check it out! betsey