Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Viewer's Choice

"And now for something different" as was so often said on Monty Python episodes.  I took this photograph because I loved the shape of this tree, bit it was the faint bit of pastel color just above the horizon in the distance that clinched the shot.   I framed the scene as a vertical which felt better for the shot than a horizontal, and I put the horizon nearly in the center, which you are not supposed to do.  It just felt correct.  But then when I was working on this image before posting, I wondered if it would be a better photograph if I cropped out the land in the foreground.  So I did that and then stared at the two photographs side by side to see which was my favorite.  The two different versions have a slightly different feel to them and I can't make up my mind which is my favorite.  So all of you get to vote and choose your favorite one.  Thank you for your help.  It is truly amazing how different the two photographs feel.



Ron said...

The cropped photo. The tree seems to have more of a ‘presence,’ or more focus? in this one. Although both are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Both photos do Justice to the barren beauty of the tree but my visual preference is the cropped photo….

ken schwarz said...

Apparently, there is a very good esthetic reason not to place the horizon near the center of a photograph. I much prefer the second cropped shot!

Anonymous said...

i vote for #1, with its feeling of movement toward tree, water and sky. ginger

Anonymous said...

I like the second shot better because it's all about the tree and the horizon instead of the grass in the foreground. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all so much for your votes. I am still torn, but I think I am voting for Number 1. And I can't really tell you why, but I think that Ginger's explanation of a feeling of movement toward the tree, water and sky is the reason why. It is always so nice to see what others think of my photographs so I really appreciate all of you who voted, and included your reasons why.