Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Quiz!

When we were leaving the Nassau County Museum of Fine Arts, we walked by these bushes and these brilliant purple berries stopped us in our tracks.  The bushes actually didn't look like they were in great shape, actually, but of course it is mid-october so maybe that's why why they didn't look that healthy.  In any case, these are stunning to see in person!  And they make for an interesting photograph, I think.  So, "The Quiz?"  Who can tell me the name of these bushes?  The first one will win a prize, seriously.  It won't be worth all that much, but I think you would really enjoy it when you see it.  Who will be first?



ken schwarz said...


Anonymous said...

but you can call it beauty berry. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ken Schwartz - Go for the Gold as the first winner. I also think of it as Purple Beauty berry.

ken schwarz said...

My Long Island sister, Nancy, deserves to be the winner. During a rapid confluence of technological events I was on my Mac reading today's post, started a Google search on my iPad and within seconds I received a message from Nancy on my iPhone with the word "Callicarpa". Literally, I think the process was under sixty seconds - which is pretty darn good for a two-finger keyboard typist!

PS: Joan there is no "T" in my last name. And as far as I know, there is no blood line traced to F.A.O. Schwarz. Although, my material grandfather supplied me with lead based wooden and metal toys back in the old days when no one thought about lead poisoning. I will concede, however, that traces of lead in my head can probably account for some of my idiosyncrasies!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Ken Schwarz! I had to Google this one as I had no clue. Love the vibrant purple against the green. Purple Beautyberry is a lot easier to say than Callicarpa Dichotoma!! Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank You All! I will be sending four prizes, one for Primo, and one for Nancy. Because he did the actual post and came up with the information, and Nancy, because she new the answer! And then how could I leave out both of my sisters who knew the answer as well. Thank you all! The prizes are a notecard I just printed yesterday afternoon of a photograph I took in Maine back in 1980! This evening's post will feature the photograph that is on the card. Or rather, the two versions of one photograph - the version in color and the version in black and white. I will let everyone vote for their favorite and their card will include their favorite version! Like they say in the carnival: "Everybody Wins!" :-)

Anonymous said...

My apologies Ken Schwarz in my spelling. My fingers were automatic for a dear friend with the last name Schwartz.

Liz Spencer said...

Wow, I JUST photographed some of these berries while in Seattle for a workshop! I took myself to the Washington Park Arboretum at lunch break one afternoon (it was dark by the time class got out each day) and spotted these brilliant purple berries and wondered what they were. A pacific coast version of the beauty berry, I guess!!