Friday, October 13, 2023

The Bronze Figure, and...

We went to the Nassau County Museum of Art today because there was an exhibition called "Modigliani and the Modern Portrait," which I wanted to see.  The exhibit included a number of Modigliani original paintings and then other portraits by other artists, some from his era, and others from more modern times.  There were other exhibits in the museum as well.  This bronze sculpture is called "Sitzendes Mädchen (Seated Girl),"  1913, by Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919).  I thought it was an interesting sculpture, and so I decided to photograph it.  Oh, and it appears, me, as well!



Anonymous said...

Fun photo of the two of you! :-) I had to look up both artists as I am not familiar with them. Modigliani paintings are not my style. Enjoyed seeing many sculptures by Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Interesting that they had met each other. It is sad that they both died in their 30's. Curious to hear your thoughts on the paintings. A trip to a museum is always a learning experience.

Linda said...

That is a beautiful sculpture! I never heard of either of those artists~~maybe I'll do a search for them. Thanks for sharing.

Ken Spencer said...

I applaud the curiosity of both of you, that when you hear about something or someone you don't know about, like me, you are both off and running to look them up! Curiosity is a wonderful thing, isn't it? And, yes, Museums are such a wonderful learning experience!

Anonymous said...

I am only familiar with Modigliani so will need to look up this sculptor, Wilhelm Lembruck. Nice to see you taking this photo :-) Betsey