Friday, August 13, 2021

A Face in the Crowd

This is the silliest picture!  We stopped at the Vermont Welcome Center and you have seen two separate photographs from there so far.  But the FIRST thing I saw this year as I rounded the corner to explore behind the building, were these vents on the side of the main building.  I believe they are air intakes and exhausts for a gas furnace or two.  We have something like this outside our house after we had a high efficiency gas furnace installed.  The second I saw these pipes, I started looking for a photo.  It makes me laugh every time I look at it.  Perhaps I should have titled it "Here's looking at you, kid."  Hope you think this is funny as well!



Anonymous said...

This made me smile this morning. The photo and the thought of you looking all around the building for a photo.
"Here's Looking at you Kid"

Anonymous said...

That's a good title for this photo! It made me laugh! betsey