Sunday, August 22, 2021

Breakfast at the Beach


Our friends told us that there is a small cafe at Sea Cliff Beach and that they are serving breakfast and lunch, so we decided to try it out.  It was an overcast day so bright sunlight was not a problem for Vivian being out in the sun.


Kathy got to take Vivian around and introduce her to some friends we know, who were also at the beach.  Kathy was in her glory as a new "Nana" for Vivian's introduction to friends.


This photograph was taken only moments after yesterday's photograph of Amy walking toward the water with Vivian.  I thought that photograph was so special that I wanted to run that one alone.  But after they got to the water, Amy had Vivian stepping to the waters of Hempstead Harbor for the first time.


How happy do Amy and Vivian look after spending time in the water at the beach where Amy grew up!



Anonymous said...

Fun photographs! Frame the first one with Nana and Vivian. This looks like a lovely spot for breakfast or lunch.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you took lots of photos. Love the first one of Kathy and Vivian - Kathy looks so happy! Loving every minute she gets to be with her granddaughter. Looks like a fun day! betsey