Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Grandparents Day at Vivian's School

Vivian attends a pre-school three days a week.  What's really cool is that everyone uses the French language there.  Viv soaks up French like a sponge, and it is amazing to hear her use that language.  Amy is studying French as well, onlinr, so they talk to each other at home.  So they have a program once in a while where grandparents come to the school for lunch with their grand child.  We can't normally attend the usual  events because we are not here in Los Angeles.  So Amy asked the woman who is the administrator, if we could come today, because we are on the west coast.  So the woman agreed.  She was absolutely wonderful and gracious and was so proud of this school which was established over thirty years ago, showing us around the school and grounds, and then we were seated at a table with 8 three-year olds during lunch.  What a treat is was to see so many children Vivian's age and see how they are both the same in some ways, and different.  It was such a great day!


Anonymous said...

What a nice photo of Aunt Kate, Vivian and her little friend. What a rich experience to be able to have that special time with Vivian sharing her school life. Trace

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful introduction to ‘school’!
So glad you and Kathy were able to experience it!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful photo. I am so pleased the school agreed to a special grandparents day for you to visit school. I remember going to the twins daycare school and it was very special. I was surprised to read that they are learning french. I hope Amy can learn a new language as quickly as Vivian! :-)

Anonymous said...

So nice of the school to have you join the class room to be with Miss Vivian and her friends. It’s great for kids to learn a language when they are young. Merveilleuse! Betsey