Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Light!

I went for my walk today while the sun was still shining, which was unusual.  I have been walking under overcast skies, or well after the sun had set. Today was different!  The sky was crystal clear and the late afternoon sunlight was a brilliant golden color.  It was amazing light and everything it illuminated stood out brilliantly!  I couldn't get over how everything familiar, looked so different.  These trees are the Sycamore trees that line the walkway along the harbor.

And here are more Sycamore trees, seen looking along the sidewalk, rather than looking up.  I love the way the sun lights them so that there are dark shadows on one side and bright highlights on the other, which makes them look more three dimensional.

And here is the magnificent Scudder's pond, lit by the setting sun!  And of course what makes this photograph is the mirror image of the trees and the phragmites, reflected in the smooth-as-glass surface of the water.  What a day!  What wonderful images!  It's as if the world has come alive again.



Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I love the lighting and mirror image on Scudder's Pond. Love your comment that things are so familiar and yet different.

Anonymous said...

Your photo of Scudders Pond is stunning! I love the light and the mirror reflection on the water. Betsey