Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Searching for Food

On my walk the other day, late in the afternoon, I saw this seagull flying low along the shoreline carefully scanning the rocks and water looking for food.  It was windy and bitter cold.  When the gull got a bit further north it turned around and came back over the water's edge and flew south.  All I could think of was, man it has to be hard to be a seagull looking for food at this tie of year!  There were other gulls flying the same route at the water's edge.  Can these birds find enough to eat at this time of year? Flying takes a lot of energy and food creates that energy.  Can they find enough to survive?



Anonymous said...

Great photo! Maybe you could fill your pockets with some seeds for them. I know you should not feed them too often as they become dependent and call all of the friends over.

Anonymous said...

I like this photo but not the thought of the seagull not getting enough food :-( Betsey