Sunday, August 21, 2011

Something In The Sky

Look what was in the sky today! What IS that? Is it a drawing or a photograph. It looks to me as if it is some kind of Japanese print. I should run a contest here and have everyone guess what they are looking at. I would love to know if anyone could figure this out. OK, last chance... Look carefully and tell me what you think it is, please. Give up? This is one of the polished aluminum crank arms from my bicycle - a crank arm is the thing that the pedal is attached to. I noticed some kind of corrosion a few weeks ago, but didn't get to look carefully at it or to try and polish it off until today. What is strange is that the corrosion wanders around in little loopy things, as if a bug of some kind made these tracks. I have no idea why this is, but when I find out, I will let you know. I placed the crank arm on the hood of the car, and it is reflecting the sky, which why it is blue. Please click on the image to see it larger.


Anonymous said...

Very strange and cool at the same time. I would have guessed frost on the window if it was not 80 degrees outside.

Anonymous said...

Looks like salt water and sand mixed on glass looking out to the ocean. bsk

Anonymous said...

I thought frost on a window also. At frist galnce I thought maybe you had taken to the air. Looked like the horizon with the various shades of blue/grey in the background....guess you would have been flying at a lofty are the pilot though, so would that be possible?