Sunday, March 18, 2012


This just may be the height of laziness. A friend who just bought a new camera called me to ask what the difference was between the "Auto" and the "Program" mode. I told her that actually I didn't know the answer to that. So I went and got my SONY camera and the instruction manual and sat down in my easy chair to read. At some point I looked up and saw the sunlight coming in the window and lighting up the ballustrade and all the right-angle and diagonal lines - more than you could shake a stick at. I have seen this view before, but I think it was the light today that grabbed me. The camera was in my lap, and I shot without even getting out of my chair. How sad is that!


Anonymous said...

Something tells Sam that the photographer has invested a heroic amount of time and effort in personally making sure that the paint job is SO perfect... .

Ken Spencer said...

Two things: Glad you were able to post without disappearing first, and, yes, a lot of effort, indeed in getting all that painted last year... sigh...

Anonymous said...

Actually, this is one of my favorite photographs! There is something about the light that allows the viewer to appreciate all of the architectural molding details. It's really nice!