Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forbidden II

The Photo Dude is going to be proud of me! I told you the story about a month ago about the security guard who said I couldn't photograph this plant, and how he pointed at a sign that said "no photographs, no video." So I wimped out then, and walked away. The Photo Dude reminded me that if I was standing on a public street, I could photograph anything I could see. So today when I did my three-mile walk, I passed by this scene, but kept moving. Then I stopped, went back, and photographed these tanks. I loved two things about this scene: one is that it is mostly "high key" - meaning that pretty much everything is white or light gray, and two, I love the design in this scene. I love the red pipes running around the tanks, and then the other dark lines criss-crossing the scene.

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