Wednesday, April 4, 2012

13 Day Old Moon

Do you know that the moon has an "age" each month? Of course the moon has a real age - about 4.5 billion years since it was formed. But each month we talk about the moon's phase by talking about how "old" it is. It takes the moon approximately 28 days to make it's trip around the Earth each month. Because it travels around the Earth, we have the phases of the moon, from new moon, to crescent to first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. So first quarter Moon happens at 7 days, and full Moon at 14 days and so on. Well, tonight the moon was 12.9 days old, which means it is about one day to full Moon. Whew! That was a lot of explaining. Anyhow, it was just beautiful to see this brilliant moon in a deep blue sky, just above the silhouette of a tree, with no leaves on the branches yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the lessons. I never counted days - only new, quarter & full.