Monday, November 5, 2012

Before and After

Wow, I have never had this many comments on a blog post ever before! OK, OK, you win. Tomorrow I will put the Jack-O-Lantern out in the side yard for the squirrels to have for lunch! Here are two pictures of the pumpkin - one the first night I put it out, and one two days later, with a missing tooth, and a crack in its face. Poor thing. It aged so quickly.


Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the bond between a man and his pumpkin -- make that jack-o-lantern.
Heavens, the pumpkin looks fine with the crack left by the squirrel's nibbling; it even has more character than the original. AND you're putting it in the sideyard tonight? Big concession - you said you like to light it for a week after Halloween. Well, time's up on that, isn't it? And to the person who suggested hairspray...why not cayenne pepper or chili pepper flakes so the squirrel can really suffer? It's a squirrel, people! When's the last time you saw a squirrel kill a bird or do any other harmful act to another living thing?

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks so much for your comment! I just realized that I am beginning to look like the Jack-O-Lantern! You know, cracks in the face, and so on. And I think I DO have more character as I age... :-) I guess that's why the bond between man and pumpkin...

Anonymous said...

The original looks good, but the squirrel's addition gave your jackolantern more depth. I like it better, post squirrel. It's kinda like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.