Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Last Leaf

This one is definitely a keeper, isn't it? I went out looking for a picture to go with the Robert Frost poem yesterday. I started with my favorite Japanese Maple tree just beyond the front porch. There were dark gray limbs wet from the rain, and little drops of water acting as lenses added bright accents to the scene. So I spent some time looking for compositions that were dark and gray. And then I came around to this limb, and nearly dropped my camera! I couldn't believe my luck - this one brilliant yellow leaf, all by itself against the dark tree limb. Wow! What a thrill! It's really magical, isn't it? Please be sure to click on it to see a larger version.


Anonymous said...

That is incredible!! It is a keeper .... Robert Frost would have delighted in this visual. I can imagine this photo as a book cover

Photodude Images said...


That leaf looks a little like the kind of leaf that: "they will throw you in the pokey, if the cigarette you're smoking, don't cause lung cancer and choking"

Anonymous said...

Blown away by this picture. The lighting is perfect. It's as though the tree is handing you it's last treasure to protect it - and you have. Preserved forever by your camera, the leaf will survive many more seasons to come. Simply lovely.

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks to all of you who commented. It is fun to see that others find this as beautiful as I did. Well, of course the Photo Dude always has his offbeat comments, but he can't tell the difference between a Japanese maple leaf and the "other stuff..." :-)