Sunday, November 18, 2012

The New Towers

The huge power plant on the harbor, about a mile away, has been shut down, and will be demolished in the near future. About 6 months ago, they started digging two giant holes in the parking lot across the street from the plant. Then they put some giant rings joined by reinforcing steel in the holes, and poured concrete around them. I wondered what it was all for. Then one day a huge crane showed up, and started installing tapered sections of galvanized steel tower. They kept adding and adding sections, until each of the towers was well over one hundred feet tall. Apparently they needed the towers that tall, because the transmission lines connected to them were strung for a long distance over the harbor to identical towers on the other side. I rode by these one afternoon, and the setting sun lit them with orange light, and they became a lot more interesting to photograph.


Photodude Images said...

I bet they would make an amazing zip line ride.

Ken Spencer said...

Yeah, particularly at night, when you could see the blue coronal discharge from my entire body! :-)

Anonymous said...

Again Ken keeps up on current events.


Ken Spencer said...

"Current Events!" I JUST got this. Duh!