Thursday, October 29, 2020

Moonset over Costco

We had to make a trip to Costco to buy their giant bags of cat litter, not the most fun exactly, because the bags weigh 40 pounds!  But the price is right.  As I was getting back into the car I noticed a crescent moon setting over the store.  Something incongruous about this I think - Moonrise and Moonset photos are best done,  I think, over beautiful landscapes, not big box stores.  Hey, I get my photos where I can.



Anonymous said...

I would have expected to see an almost full moon since we are having a full blue moon tomorrow night. Although with this weather I don't know if you would be able to see anything. Confused!

Anonymous said...

Weird because 2 nights ago, the moon looked almost full. Hopefully, we will get to see a full moon on Saturday because the weather is supposed to be clear. I loved my cats but I don't miss cat litter :-) betsey

Ken Spencer said...

I took this photograph about 9 days ago, when we could see the sky! I had other things to post so that's why I only posted it now. You are both very observant! Sorry for confusing you.