Thursday, October 1, 2020

Back to Zoom School

I signed up for a course in astrophotography from the Amateur Astronomer's Association in New York City, where I am a member, believe it or not.  How many astronomy clubs do I need to belong to?  Anyhow, the class lasts for six weeks and goes into the details of photographing the planets, and nebulae and galaxies.  It is a complex process and there is a lot to learn.  The class is held on Zoom.  I needed two laptops because I did the Zoom meeting on the Macintosh computer to the right, and I used the Thinkpad on the left, to work with the processing software which we use to work on the photo files.  Most of the astronomy software only runs on Windows.  Oh, and the umbrella?  I am a photographer, so I require flattering lighting for my appearance on Zoom!   :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a lot going on but good for you taking the course. Love your comment about the lighting :-) And here comes Grace ready to check out what is going on...betsey

Anonymous said...

You amaze me with your continuing education, etc. I smiled that you set up the umbrella for flattering lighting. 2 computers and a camera set up for the final shot! :-)