Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wilderness Landscape

Since I was upstate as fall colors were coming on, I decided I needed a photograph taken in the wilderness showing the beauty of the land, the mountains, and the start of fall color in some areas.  What I particularly liked in this photograph are the dead trees standing among the living trees - I thought that made a nice contrast - the dead and the living.  I am not sure what kind of trees those dead ones are - they may be Birch trees.  I don't know why they died, except that there is a small stream running just in front of them.  I wonder if something was in the stream, and in a flood overflowed the banks and killed the trees.  Of course, this is not wilderness at all.  Note the planted field that is all green in the middle ground - it probably has a winter cover drop on it.  Oh, and I took this photograph from the window of my motel room!  Some wilderness, huh? It is pretty though - you might want to click on the photo to see how pretty it actually is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful fall photograph, but sad that white trees did not survive the floods or whatever.