Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Mai-Tai Time!

We started a ritual yesterday, Mai-Tai's at around sunset, before dinner!  The girls first had Mai-Tai's on our trip to Hawaii a few years ago, and so, when we got home, I ordered the fixings for that drink.  We have only had a couple of drinks since.  But when Liz and Amy showed up, we started making them before dinner, and they brought all the bottles of stuff needed for making the drinks!  "But wait," you say, that's a glass of wine on the railing, not a Mai-Tai.  And you would be correct.  This is Jo Anne's glass of Riesling which she would rather have as her drink.  So I borrowed her glass of wine and photographed it in several places and this is my favorite shot.

So today, instead of everyone sitting around the table for their Mai-Tais, we lined up the chairs facing the setting sun and the lake, and took in that beautiful scene while leisurely sipping our drinks!  A lovely way to end our day!



Anonymous said...

Wonderful family photo! Karen

Anonymous said...

Love the line-up! I have never had a Mai-Tai but will look up how to make one...betsey