Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Wonder Woman Heads Back to Los Angeles!

We took Amy and Vivian to JFK this morning for their flight back to Los Angeles.  Amy is astounding, and when she travels she is Wonder Woman!  Here is Vivian in her stroller which Amy brought and had to unfold. Then she put the car seat in it's cloth case and piled that on top of the stroller.  to the right is a smaller suitcase, with a carry on bag on top of that, AND a white plastic bag that says "I Love NY" on it, which Amy used to bring yet another bag on the plane so that it looks like something she bought at the last minute at the airport because you are limited to how many bags you can bring!  And then to the right of all that, behind the stainless steel bollard is Amy's larger suitcase, which gets checked with the stroller!  So she can wheel ALL of this by herself into the airport and the check in!  Like I said, Wonder Woman!



Anonymous said...

Wonder Woman is right! A stroller and little Vivian is a lot to maneuver through the airport, let alone a carseat and luggage. Happy she could visit with family and friends wile on the east coast.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that Amy is strong and adaptable. That is a lot to maneuver! Glad that she could spend time with you and Kathy. Sad to see her leaving but I am so happy that I got a chance to visit twice. betsey