Friday, July 1, 2022

Our Yard at Night

It was partly cloudy the other evening but I wanted to test my tracking device to see if it was working OK.  It is a battery operated device that you align with the north star and then put your camera on, and then you can make long exposures with the camera, and the tracker keeps the camera in synch with the stars.  There is a lot of light pollution from our neighbor's lights, which is really frustrating for someone who wants to observe and photograph the night sky.  But after I was done with the test, I decided to take a photograph of the scene.  It is a different view of our side yard that I usually see. I do like the strange lighting effects and it seems a bit unreal.



Anonymous said...

Although, the lights affect your night sky viewing, the orange glow if this photo is rather pretty and sets off your gorgeous tree.

ken schwarz said...

Brilliant timing for this light show of your yard at dusk!

Anonymous said...

Your neighbors have very bright lighting. I do like the photo with the light. It is a very nice scene of the trees and shrubbery. Trace

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all! You are all right, it is quite beautiful, which is why I took the photograph, but I forgot to mention that!

Anonymous said...

Although it seems a bit eerie at first, this photo is really cool because of the bright golden color in the middle setting off your tree. betsey