Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Cloud Parade

Yesterday, the weather forecast included possible thunderstorms in the evening.  After dinner we were sitting on the upper porch just watching the sky.  After a while, we did hear some distant thunder to our west, but the radar app on our phones showed storms passing north of us and south of us but we received no rain.  We did, however have this wonderful "parade" of different kinds of clouds move across the sky to the north. 

Eventually the towering cumulus that is part of a thunderstorm moved across the sky to the north, and the buildups were lit by the setting sun, which was such a beautiful site.

Sometime later after sunset this cloud moved across the sky.  I thought it looked just line a map of Long Island, with a rounded left side and the twin forks of Long Island to the right!  Well, OK, so it is not a PERFECT map of Long Island, but it suggests the shape of it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful lake house and decks to enjoy the passing storms and various clouds