Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The End of The World!

About 3:00 PM today it got really dark to the north of us.  We have had thunderstorms passing by us to the north for a couple of days now.  They seem to stay on the other side of Long Island Sound.  So I jumped into he car and drove down to Sea Cliff Beach.  The sky was just astounding, it was so gray and the clouds were roiled.  I could not believe my eyes!  This view is looking northeast.  All I could think of was that this looked like the end of the world.

When I looked over to the west the sky was the same, but the formations were slightly different.  I was absolutely stunned by all of this.  I don't remember the last time I saw such an astounding sky. There was such beauty in all the subtle shadings of gray in the clouds.  It was beautiful beyond description.  It almost seems as if even my photographs cannot translate what I experienced.  I am so thankful I got to see this unusual event.

There were some areas in the clouds that were smooth rather than turbulent looking.  This is a detail of one such area., looking to the west.

This photograph shows the rain, in the distance, on the left moving toward us.  I just don't ever remember seeing such formations before.  I took this photograph and then headed for the car.  I was looking at the radar application on my phone, and once again all of the activity was on the far side of the sound, to the north.  We did get a bit of gentle rain for maybe half an hour, but that was it.  What an amazing day!



Anonymous said...

Wow! These are great photos of the sky and the water. The clouds and the lighting of the dark and light are beautiful. Nature is awesome! Trace

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos and all so different.

Anonymous said...

These photos are fantastic! So menacing and turbulent. I'm glad you took several shots because they are all so different. I like the contrast of the white hulled boats on the dark sea and the angle of the dark clouds. betsey