Monday, July 26, 2021

Heh-Wo Wabbit!

We have noticed a rabbit in our yard lately.  A fairly large rabbit, and that was such a surprise because I don't believe we have every seen rabbits around here before.   It seemed fairly calm about being around people - I have photographed this one before and it didn't run away .  Well, imagine my surprise yesterday when we saw her in the yard, and then saw tiny little rabbits jumping along behind her!  Wow!  Three babies, out with their mother, hopping along in our yard and feeding!  Maybe we shouldn't be cheering to see them but they seem to be eating stuff in the grass, rather than in the garden.  I hope it stays that way. Here is a view of one of the baby rabbits in the garden today - no sigh of the mother rabbit and the two other siblings. They are incredibly cute, and even more so when you see the little ones leap up and disappear back into the tall grass.



Anonymous said...

They are adorable! I hope they do not do too much damage to your garden. Seeing the mom with her babies must have been such a treat.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have seen Mrs. Bunny with her two wee ones! I used to see Mr Bunny in my yard all the time but now it's only once in a while. I whisper hello and he just sits perfectly still. He never destroyed my vegetables when I could plant them. Lucky for me...betsey