Friday, July 23, 2021

Scudder's Pond

Scudder's Pond - my favorite pond just down the street.  I have taken so many different photographs here over the years, and it has changed dramatically over time.  About 8 years ago the pond had become so silted with sand and overgrown with non-native species,  it was down to half it's size.  It was so overgrown with Phragmites (which we called "cattails" as kids)  that they had a major operation with heavy machinery, and small boats that moved dredging hoses around.  The cleaning took about three months, and when they were done, it was a brand new pond at twice the size and the cattails were gone.  So here is a tranquil view of a series of trees which are reflected in the still water.



Anonymous said...

So peaceful and serene. I used to love seeing or picking cattails and never thought of them being invasive plants when I was young.

Anonymous said...

Such a peaceful looking place. The water looks so calm. It's interesting that some of the leaves have already turned colors. Trace

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that cattails were invasive. Always liked them. Very happy to read that the pond was cleaned up. You have done several photos over the years but I couldn't find any of your early ones - only two from 2020. This scene is lovely, peaceful. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Really interesting that you couldn't find more than two photographs of the pond. I did a search for "Scudders" and only found two photographs! So I searched for "Pond" and got a ton of photographs, so please try your search again.

Anonymous said...

I actually started scrolling through your blog photos starting in 2007. I was having so much fun looking at older photos!!! Finally found the original photo of Scudder's Pond that I remember - it was in the 2014 photos. How's that for persistence? betsey