Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Life of a Cat

Ah, the life of a cat!  I was in the kitten when Kathy said "Come look at Grace!"  So I peaked around the corner into the dining room, and couldn't believe my eyes!  Here she was, lying on her back, upside down, rolled up against the wall, happy as a clam.  I nearly laughed out loud when I saw her.  Then I had to quietly walk into the living room get my camera and quietly walk back to the kitchen and HOPE that she had not moved.  She hadn't and I got the shot!  This makes me laugh. She has a look on her face that this is perfectly normal.  Well, if you are a cat!  I hope this makes you smile too.



Anonymous said...

I am not sure what made me smile the most. Picturing you sneaking around to see her and go back to get a photo, or beautiful Grace living the "Life of Riley" with the Spencer's! :-)

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud as soon as I saw this! Yes, I could picture your walking carefully around to get your camera so you could get the shot. betsey

ken schwarz said...

Pound for pound I believe pet cats (excluding designer cats) provide the most amount of entertainment for the least amount of maintenance!

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments, and I am really glad you all got laughs from this, just like I did!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful cat and so fluffy. They are endearing creatures! Trace