Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Orange Dot

So you have all seen my red sun and the dead tree from yesterday.  I started down at the foot of our street to photograph the red sun in the haze and I tried a number of different things.  Then I decided to go up to Memorial Park which overlooks the harbor to see if I could find a photo there, which I did - this one.  Then I drove down to the beach that faces north and did another photograph - stay tuned for that one.  So it was fun to chase the sun from one place to another to see if I could find interesting photographs, and I think I did a good job.  Please click on this photo to see it in a larger size.



Anonymous said...

I am glad you are chasing the sun and giving us two totally different photos. Love that this has the boat in the foreground in the smoky haze.

Anonymous said...

This scene is so tranquil and serene. The sailboat is perfectly placed. The hazy sky with a red sun makes it "edgy" since it is so unusual. betsey