Friday, April 20, 2012

Pretending to Grow a Lawn

Our lawn has always looked less than picture perfect. No matter what I do, it looks great in the spring, but by the heat of summer so much of it dies off. I am not a big believer in wasting water just to have a green lawn. But this year, with no winter snows to speak of, and no rain at all so far, the lawn is a mess before the season even begins. Even so, I soldier on. I have planted two areas with grass seed and fertilizer, and I am very conscientious about watering these areas twice a day. It is a bit boring, so I decided to take a photo of my watering chores. I love that this photo is kind of mysterious - at first you are not sure what you are looking at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you can today & tomorrow off. We desperately need rain.