Monday, May 4, 2020

Downside Up

Here's the thing about reading this blog - you never know what you will find when you come here!  So welcome to an upside down duck!  I happened to see two Mallards feeding at the same time, next to each other, so I had more than one chance to get a picture like this.  This was the best photo in the two minutes I had before the ducks moved on.  They are feeding off something that looks like seaweed clinging to rocks underwater - this is how ducks feed, and what they eat, if they are not eating pieces of bread that people toss to them.  Feeding ducks bread is really harmful because it has no food value, so please don't do that.  End of my public service announcement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the little orange webbed foot sticking out next to those beautiful feathers. betsey