Wednesday, May 20, 2020

This Isn't Social Distancing...

But..  they are young and won't die from the Corona virus like old people might.  I thought they looked so cute, the three of them sitting on the rock.  I took this photograph with a long telephoto lens - 400 mm, so I was a long way away at first.  Then I did this shot as I got closer.  One of the girls spotted me and called up to me and said "Please don't take our picture."  So I stopped, but I had already taken this picture.  Then she said "What is this picture for?"  I said "I just thought that the three of you looked cute on the rock."  Then she said "Oh, that's OK then, just as long as it is not for the Internet or something."  I didn't bother to explain that if someone is out in public, it is perfectly legal to photograph them, as long as they are not doing something that would be demeaning or embarrassing.  I do think this is a REALLY cute shot of them!


Anonymous said...

It is a cute picture. I am impressed that she asked not to be photographed or images put on the internet. I know they are out in public but she is aware that some people can be dangerous.

Anonymous said...

I never thought about the legality of photographing other people. Glad you explained it. The picture is cute but they haven't a clue about the dangers of the virus...betsey