Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Fern Bank

I was in the car, backing out of the driveway late in the afternoon the other day, and this brilliant green caught my eye.  I had just mowed the lawn so it looked nice, and it was surrounded by the top of the fern bank.  These ferns look so beautiful, back lit in the afternoon sunlight.  These ferns have been a joy since we bought this house.  We bought it in September of 1971 and there seemed to be a lot of weeds and dead stuff on the front bank and we didn't pay much attention to what was there.  But when Spring came, these beautiful ferns came out of the ground and we were stunned!  We have had so many people over the years, walking up the street, stop and tell us how much they loved these beautiful ferns.


Anonymous said...

I love all the green and the sunlight. The ferns give the picture a softness too. Trace

Anonymous said...

The ferns look so feathery and soft. Beautiful shades of green. Very calming. betsey