Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day Zoom

On Mother's Days in the past we have often driven to Connecticut to have a family dinner at Betsey's.  But not this year, of course.  On Easter Sunday we had our first Zoom family gathering and it was wonderful, talking with everyone, almost as if we were gathered around the dining table.  So Jen decided that we should do this for Mother's Day, and it was just delightful!  So good to see and hear everyone and share laughter and stories.  We get so used to the magic of technology - this conversation connected California and Maine and Connecticut, and New York.  Yeah, magic.


Anonymous said...

So thankful for family and technology. So nice to see Liz, Sarah, Amy and Gus on the other side of the country. Thank you for capturing the group photo.

Anonymous said...

I love this Zoom technology because it puts us in touch with family and friends. I love phone calls but it really is great to see loved one's faces. Laughter and good conversation is a joy during our quarantine time. Thanks for your photo. betsey