Tuesday, May 19, 2020

No Dunkin' Donuts, Week 10

The title of this blog should be "Brilliant Engineering."  When we first started going to the beach for donuts, we had our two cups in one of those cardboard carrying things they give you.  So we tried balancing it on the center console of the car, but it was really tippy and in danger of falling over.  The cups were so large that if we put them in the cup holders in the console, it was really difficult to get them back out.  I needed a better solution.  So I made a small plywood platform.  It was tippy as well, until I glued little wood blocks under under it.  It worked perfectly, so of course it needed two coats of varnish, because I am an old sailboat guy, and that's how wood is finished on sailboats.  What a relief that we have a secure way to hold our hot drinks!  I am brilliant!   :-)

This is what we saw outside the window today - a family with two young children relaxing on the sand, and the father was flying a kite.  It brought back memories.  When Liz was under a year old, we came down to the beach often to hang out - probably this exact spot -  and I would fly my kite! 


Anonymous said...

You are brilliant in your coffee tray. Where do you store it when you need to put your car into gear? I love the photo of family on the beautiful beach with the kite flying high. It makes me feel that all is right with the world.

Anonymous said...

I had to smile when I read that you varnished the wood - of course! It appears that the dad is having more fun flying the kite. Cool looking kite. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

The little table just sits on top of the console - it is just resting there, but it doesn't move around because of the little wood blocks underneath.