Friday, May 15, 2020

Oh No! Here He Goes Again!

Oh right, so he get's out his infrared camera and now we have to look at all his black and white in infrared pictures!  How long is he going to keep this up?  Probably not too long - I don't want you to get bored.  This is Scudders Pond which I have photographed a billion times in different seasons and at different times of day.  This is probably one of the more dramatic scenes in terms of infrared, because the sky gets black, and the water is black (it doesn't reflect any infrared light) and in contrast, all the plants and trees glow a brilliant white.  I will try and be good and not post too many more of these - for a while!


Ron said...

Love them. Keep them coming!

ken schwarz said...

When this blog photo popped up on my computer screen this morning, I immediately thought of photographs by Ansel Adams. You are in good company with the likes of that world class photographer.

Anonymous said...

I love this photo. It has so much more texture and depth and is very different than the day before. I have always enjoyed black and white.
Joan said...

This would also be a great picture to paint from because it so clearly shows where the darkest darks are the lightest lights.Did you happen to also take one in color? Sharon

Ken Spencer said...

Hi Sharon: No, I didn't take this in color. I had my normal camera with me, but I was so focused on looking for nice images in infrared, I never thought to shoot it in color. Maybe I will go back and shoot it in color for you. I always respond to requests! :-)

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this photo. Jumps off the page. So much texture and contrast between black and white. Don't stop posting infrared photos. This one is magical! betsey