Tuesday, June 6, 2023

If You Don't Photograph it, it Doesn't Exist

Stan and I went to see the Van Gogh exhibit at the Met the other day.  What was amazing to see, was that almost everyone seemed to be taking photographs of these paintings with their cell phones..  That was probably because so many of his famous paintings were all in one exhibit at the same time.  And of course I was photographing all the paintings as well.  But because it was so crowed and people were three deep in front of some of the paintings, I had to wait to get close to the paintings.  So I started photographing people holding up their phones so you can see both the painting and the image on their cell phones. I told Stan this morning that I had so many photographs of people doing this, I wasn't sure how to edit them.  And Stan suggested making a matrix of 3 by 3 images and posting all 9 images as one image to post on the blog!  Brilliant!  So here you are.  And remember, if you don't photograph something then it doesn't exist!  Please click on this and it will almost fill your screen and you can see so many more details.  The show, by the way was absolutely stunning to see in person!



Anonymous said...

Funny, yet interesting. Not your usual photo. Thanks to Stan you got a great blog photo today.

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant - a photo of everyone else taking photos of the same subject. Glad you enjoyed the exhibit with Stan! Betsey