Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hanging On For Dear Life

This is such a great, silly photograph of Sam!  I walked into the living room and saw him like this, and it cracked me up!  I have no idea why he had both front legs spread out with his paws and claws dug in to the chair!  I just have no idea.  But it is the funniest thing.  I was desperately hoping that he wouldn't move when I reached over to  get my camera on the shelf right by the chair.  "PLEASE don't move!"  And he didn't, he just looked at me!  My lucky day.  A laugh and a photograph all at the same time!


Anonymous said...

Laughed at this photo! What a cute and adorable cat!! I like the flowered pattern under him too. Trace

Anonymous said...

It is Sam's chair. He is guarding it and you cannot have it. This made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I had the same thought as Joan that Sam looks like he won't let you sit on "his" chair. He's taking all the space. Very cute photo! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments, and I am so glad you all had a laugh, at Sam's expense! He is such a beautiful cat with his gray coloring.