Thursday, March 17, 2022

I Always Love the Fog

I went to visit a friend from the astronomy club today, about 45 minutes away.  I always take Northern Boulevard because it is only two lanes and there are interesting things to see along the way.  For some reason, I didn't bring my new SONY camera and the two lenses.  I have no idea why.  But I had my faithful tiny SONY Rx 100 on my belt so all was not lost.  On the way out there was a bit of fog, but not enough to stop for.  Two hours later on the way home, it was much thicker and I stopped three times at scenes that I thought would be interesting.  This is the first stop - a golf course in Huntington.  I love the tree alone but it would be less interesting without the ghosts of smaller trees in the distance, which really makes this photograph.



ken schwarz said...

Today's blog photo is truly worthy of being described as a "wall hanger"! I was immediately impressed with it's simplicity and very subtle color palette. I also thought about the time back in the early 1970's when you showed me a homemade "camera" you constructed from a shoe box with a lens duct taped to one end of the box with a pin-hole at the opposite end functioning as shutter that successfully created a photo. So this experiment proved to me that good photographic results can be achieved with a good lens, steady hand and interesting subject!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful photo. I agree that the trees in the background add to the picture. The golf course is interesting with the wavy ground, green grass and then the sand. It is an interesting photo with a lot to notice. Trace