Friday, March 11, 2022

Saving The House II

I last photographed this house on November 19, 2021 Saving the House and I have been back since, but it was hard to show any major changes in the project to shore up the hill.  Heavy steel I-beams were delivered but had not been installed.  You can see,  in the middle of the photograph, the steel I-beams which have been driven into the ground.  Go back, using the link above, and see how LONG those I-beams are.  They are driven WAY down deep in the earth!  The I-beams then have heavy wood timbers installed in the spaces between the beams.  There was a work crew there and I asked if that was the final support for the hill, and they said "No, we will be digging down in front of the I-beams and installing a concrete footer, and then they will pour a concrete wall which will be permanent."  THEN they will go further up the hill and install 2 more concrete walls, and then the hill will be stabilized and house will be safe!  If you click on both of these photos you will be able to see the I-beams and timbers in more detail. What an amazing project!



Anonymous said...

That is a huge amount of property to shore up with beams and cement walls. Thanks for sharing the links back to your other photos when initially it was a stairway and some trees that washed away. I want to see the view from this large home. :-)

ken schwarz said...

Alternative Title: "Expensive Landscape Project"

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine having to spend exorbitant amounts of money to keep their house safe. Hope all the effort works in the long run!! betsey