Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Feather

Ok so this is interesting...  I have no idea why I took this photograph.  This is one place along my way to where the old power plant was on my walk.  It is in front of a fenced in area that is completely overgrown with bushes and tall trees.  I think I discovered the other day, in talking to a person in the area that the land is owned by the town, and completely neglected.  It is the one area where snow removal never happens during the winter.  Anyhow, I saw this battered feather on the dead leaves.  Somehow both of these things go together.  The white feather was obvious when I saw it against the dark leaves.  I was drawn to photograph it, but I am not sure why.  I like the bluish tint to the feather, because I took this under an overcast sky late in the day. Maybe this photograph is about discarded things.



ken schwarz said...

A forlorn feather, indeed!

Ken Spencer said...

"Forlorn" A good word - it strikes a chord with me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That sure is a big feather! Wonder what kind of bird it came from...betsey