Thursday, May 5, 2022

What's This? Another Abstract Photo?

OK, first things first.  You all guessed correctly yesterday that it was Ikea where I did those pictures.  And what's in the bag?  Four 16"x20" white wooden picture frames!  
So what have I given you today?  Another abstract photograph?  Well, yeah, but.  This is the result of my hard work today.  I did my yearly power washing of all the bricks on the patio and the brick walkway up to the entrance of our new back room.  I wanted to take a photograph of my handiwork, just as a record but then I realized that it did make a nice abstract photo with the light and shadow.

This time I got smart and put on some blue rain pants and you can see what a mess the power washer makes.  As it blasts the moss and other stuff off the bricks, there is also some backscatter from grains of sand that the power washer blasts out from between the bricks.  What a mess, but it is so nice to see how much nicer the patio is.



Ron said...

Ken, does the power washer, over time, remove enough sand to destabilize the bricks and make them uneven?

Anonymous said...

Ken, the brick patio looks great but I have the same question as Ron. You should have taken a before photo. Jenny sits and tries to pull weeds from between the pavers but it is a lot of time consuming work. Your pants and shoes do not look so great! :-)

Ken Spencer said...

Ron: After the bricks are cleaned, I throw some fresh sand on the patio and use an industrial push broom to push the sand around in all directions, thus filling in the cracks and stabilizing the bricks. Great observation! When I built the patio, I went a bit overboard not knowing what I was doing and put in a base of sand 8-inches thick! Later I found out that most professionals only use a 2" base of sand! The good news is that patio has been rock solid for nearly 40 years. I should have done a "before" photograph because the difference in appearance is amazing.

Anonymous said...

The bricks look great! I like reading about the whole process. Love the addition of rain pants to keep you from getting soaked and filthy. We are always learning!! betsey