Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Little Project Around Here

We decided it was time to get some new rugs downstairs in the dining room, the living room, and the front hall.  I assumed that we would just get new wall to wall carpeting.  Kathy thought that maybe we should consider area rugs instead.  So we decided to rip up some strips of the old carpet to see what condition the floor was in underneath the rug.  We haven't seen the wood floors in years.  So we saw they were in pretty good condition, and would only need a light sanding to freshen up the surface, and maybe some light touch up with a wood stain, and then two coats of varnish.  So off I went.  Here I am using a brand new sander which I will post about at a later time.  It does an amazing job in a short amount of time.

So here is the same section of floor after I sanded, stained and put one coat of varnish on.  We have a house that is nearly 100 years old, so we didn't want to have a heavy duty sanding - we like that the wood flooring looks like it has been used for that long.



Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have beautiful hardwood floors in your home. You continue to amaze me with the projects you tackle like a young "whippersnapper". :-) I used to be willing to tackle any projects 30 to 50 years ago, but just seeing you on your knees sanding hurts and I would need something to lean on to get up off the floor.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of work! But I have learned that there is nothing that you cannot fix!!! It looks like a small sander. That is probably what I need to get the paint off my bedroom floor where workman just spilled paint all over the hardwood knowing it was going to be covered with wall to wall carpet. Isn't that awful?! Obviously, it was before I bought the condo. Glad I had the living room and dining room floors redone years ago. Your floors really look nice - worth the work! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

I am going to do a post on this amazing type of sander! I bought it new a couple of weeks ago after talking with someone who refinishes furniture for a living. It is astounding how quickly it works. Stay tuned...