Saturday, September 17, 2022

Trying to Save my Aloe Vera

We have had this Aloe Vera plant for years and years.  I think it was given to me by someone I photographed once.  It has been the  balm for so many burns we have suffered over the years.  But it has not been healthy.  I have watered it, and fed it fertilizer, and worried that I water it too much or too little, or used too much fertilizer or two little.  And for two years I have known that I need to re-pot it.  So I finally did that.  This plant sat in the kitchen window which faces west. There is a suggestion that too much sunlight is not good for this plant  So I moved the newly repotted plant to a window in the back room.  It is doing OK, I think, but there is not a dramatic change.  I will have to photograph it again with this same background and you can tell me what you think.  Oh, the other thing is, whenever I look up Aloe Vera photographs on the web, all the plants are brilliant green, not like my plant.



Anonymous said...

I am glad to see you repotted your plant. Now, you need to cut off the dead leaves so the nutrients will go to the remaining leaves and maybe start some new shoots. (Says the girl who cannot keep an aloe plant alive once she moved into the condo because there is not enough light)

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the dead leaves! I have two Aloe plants that sit on a windowsill with full sun and they do well. I do not water them as often as other plants. Good luck! betsey

Anonymous said...

Interesting about the plant. I have little idea about plant rescue, but I hope you can find a way to save it and make it healthy again. Trace

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your helpful comments! I shall do what you request, and I will be sure and post updates! Thank you, thank you!