Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Lavender in the Snow

Are you tired of snow pictures?  I am tired of snow pictures.  This is the last one, I promise.  It is Lavender in the small garden next to the driveway.  I just like the swooping forms of the stalks against the snow.  It's not as strong a graphic form as I would like, but I was desperate.  Nearly all the snow is gone, so I will be posting photographs of other subjects.  Hooray!



Ron said...

I can almost smell it. Ours is still buried deep under the snow. Spring is around the corner and I am anxious for the lavender to bloom again!

Anonymous said...

I love your photo of the windswept lavender all going in one direction. I cut my plant back in the fall and dry some.

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you both. I was think that this picture was not up to my usual standards, but perhaps it is not as bad as I thought... Thanks!