Monday, March 29, 2021

Uh-Oh, What's Going On?

Going down the street the other day on my walk I spotted this triangle in the street, over to one side.  I knew immediately what it was.  A surveying team has passed through here and they set up their equipment and to mark where they took their readings, they drive a nail into the street with a bit of orange plastic under the head of the nail, and then they spray an orange triangle around it, so it can be easily found later on.  Now the question is, WHAT are they surveying?  Well, the street, obviously, but for what reason?  Are they going to repave the street, or install a sewer line or do something else?  Stay tuned, and I will report back.



Anonymous said...

I would guess an install as why would you have to survey to repave? Next time I see an orange triangle, I will check for a nail head. :-)

Anonymous said...

I have never seen this. Aaaah - now my curiosity is in high gear! Let us know when you find out...betsey

Linda said...

Very interesting. Can't wait to find out what's in the works.