Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Random Meeting!

I love the randomness of meeting people!  My flight instructor and I had just landed and parked the plane and I wanted to take a photograph of the two of us.  So I got a small stepladder used to check the fuel and balanced my camera on it to take a photograph of Michael and I.  Then from behind me I heard someone say "If you would like, I could take the photograph for you, I'm a professional photographer."  I said "Thanks but we're good with the two shots taken with the self timer."  Then the strangest thing happened - the photographer who offered to take the picture said "I know that voice!  It's Ken Spencer!"  WHAT?  As he walked closer I recognized my friend Kevin Coughlin!  He had just landed as well and was putting covers on his airplane because of the possibility of snow this weekend.  We were both blown away by the randomness of our meeting!  So I introduced him to Michael, my flight instructor and we had fun talking and being amazed at the coincidence of our meeting!  So naturally, I had to take yet another self-timer photograph of the three of us, and here it is.  I WAS going to call it "Three Hot Shot Pilots" but then thought better of it So the title is "Two Hot Shot Pilots, and me!"



Linda said...

Serendipity is such fun. Nice pic.

Anonymous said...

What is the probability of a pilot and photographer running into another pilot and photographer? When it’s Ken Spencer out and about!! It’s fantastic that it was an “old” friend. Fun post and photo. Betsey