Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Ball on a Wire

I went for my three-mile walk today for the first time in months and months.  It was too cold to ride my bike, and I realized that last winter I did a lot of walking to make up for not riding.  So I brought my camera, and found photographs everywhere.  One walk and eighty-seven photographs!  One thing that was fun, was that the moon was following me everywhere I walked!  It was nice to have a companion along with me.  You may see more moon photographs from this walk later on.  It suddenly occurred to me, that I could put the moon wherever I wanted, depending on where I stood.  So then I decided to balance the moon on a wire.



Anonymous said...

Very clever! I look forward to more moon photos.

Anonymous said...

This is fun! Different for you but I would love to see more. betsey