Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Daffodils in The Wild

I forgot that we have these Daffodils growing in the ivy on the bank behind our house.  They are in shadow almost all of the day, until about an hour or two before sunset, when they are illuminated by the setting sun, as they were this afternoon.  I thought this would be a nice change of pace to show these flowers in their natural habitat, instead of in my "studio" in the back room.  Kathy said she never planted them here, she thinks the squirrels might have had something to do with it.  I liked this photograph because I thought the blossoms looked like notes on a musical staff.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't nature amazing. The daffodils decided they were going to grow there even if they don't get much sun. I like your comment about musical notes - perfect! betsey