Sunday, April 25, 2021

Escape to New York - XI

After I did yesterday's photograph of the park, I continued my walk down Fifth Avenue.  This woman with her umbrella had passed me when I was photographing the the park, and I realized that there was a photograph to be had, involving the purple umbrella!  You would have laughed yourself silly if you saw me trying to get this shot.  I couldn't shoot while walking because the light was not very bright late in the day.  So I would run-walk to get closer to this woman, and then quickly stop and shoot a few frames as the woman walked away from me.  Then I would quickly run after her again, stop when I got close, and shoot some more!  Man, if you had watched me from a distance you would have thought I was a crazy person and you would have called the police!  But it is a lovely photograph, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

It is a lovely photo with the purple umbrella and arched trees. You are a lucky man that someone did not call the police as a crazy stalker is following a woman who may be in jeopardy. Did you have your red jacket on to draw attention to yourself? :-)

Anonymous said...

I like the tree limbs above the sidewalk. The purple really "jumps" out. Well, we do know that you're a little crazy. Can you imagine the conversation/explanation with the police? betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Yeah, I was lucky that I only stalked the woman for a really short time! :-)