Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Mural At The Beach

When I parked my car down at the beach the other day to do the photographs of the water and waves, I noticed this mural on the concrete retaining wall.  You have to park your car facing the wall and this is what you see when you get out of your car.  The painting for the length of the wall brightens up what would be just a dirty concrete wall.  I love the child-like painting and the predominantly blue colors, with some bright color spots used for the clothing and for one girl's hair!  I probably should have pulled the weeds so you could see all of the painting.

I wondered, of course, who painted this mural, and by looking around saw this information at the end of the wall.  Apparently it was done by two Girl Scout troops with some paint donated by a local paint store, and one other person.  A wonderful project for the two troops!



ken schwarz said...

When done right, I am a big fan of murals in public places. This colorful and whimsical mural at the beach is definitely a delight to see! I have often thought about doing a photographic essay of murals around home but just haven't gotten around to yet. I am not a big fan of kids who deface public or private property with spray paint!

Anonymous said...

What a nice project for the two Girl Scout troops to work on. Brightens up the retaining wall. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Primo: That would be a worthwhile, to start photographing murals around Charleston. You should do it, and I bet you would find it fun.

ken schwarz said...

Secondo, as you know, patience is not my strong suit. It would take some time to figure out what time of the day would make for the best photograph of each mural considering that they are all facing in different directions. But, I agree, it would be a worthwhile project.